Peace is of the utmost importance in our hurried world. For that reason, it is not just a good idea to create space for this daily need close to home, it is a necessity. Martin Veltkamp is an expert in designing safe spaces that fully comply with the wishes of its users. Space to relax and to reenergise. Because, a garden is especially a place to enjoy.
As experiencing peace is very personal, the start of the design already incorporates the preferences of the users. A garden is the result of combining individual wishes with the designer’s opinions about functional organising of the space. According to Martin Veltkamp’s philosophy, the starting point of the design is the garden as an oasis of peace.
He begins with peace through simplicity and rhythm. By using detail and contrast, he creates a garden that is a space where daily chaos does not get a chance to exist. This means, no screaming colours or exaggerated diversity. Limiting the number of materials and using a soft colour palette creates calm.
The perfect garden offers the right environments for all types of enjoyment. It is suitable for reading a book with a glass of wine at one moment and for having dinner with family or friends the next. According to Martin Veltkamp’s philosophy, gardens are only in balance when they offer peace and enough time to truly enjoy the garden. This, he accomplishes by designing gardens that barely need any maintenance. Using their sparse amount of free time to work in the garden is not an ideal way of spending the weekend for many people.